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  • Verifique os avisos, novidades e outras informações importantes do servidor!

    192 Tópicos
    679 Posts

    👋 Olá jogadores!

    Mais um ano passou e estamos dando adeus a 2024. Esse foi um ano que chegou ao fim rápido demais, mas ainda bem que conseguimos aproveitar tudo o que aconteceu no 🍄 Mush!

    Vem conferir o quanto você esteve presente nesse ano de 2024, relembrando todas as suas estatísticas em todos os modos de jogo! 🤗


    Dentro do servidor:

    Para acessar suas estatísticas deste ano, conecte-se ao servidor e utilize no chat o comando /meu2024.
    Dessa forma você estará recebendo em seu chat uma mensagem com um link como mostra a imagem abaixo.

    Ao clicar no link você será redirecionado para um site específico do 🍄 Mush contendo suas estatísticas.

    Dentro do discord:

    ➡️ Para acessar sua retrospectiva também é muito simples, porém você precisará estar com sua conta dentro do servidor vinculada ao nosso servidor discord. Se não souber como vincular sua conta clique aqui.

    Para conseguir o link para sua retrospectiva use o canal 💻 #bots-e-comandos e use o comando /meu2024. Logo após o bot enviará uma mensagem como mostra a imagem abaixo: Discord.png


  • Verifique as regras do servidor! Evite ser punido!

    4 Tópicos
    4 Posts

    📖 Hello there,

    ➡️ Our team always strives to create a comfortable community where content creators and players can interact with each other in a safe manner. Our objective with this post is to reinforce a positive environment for everyone. For that reason, we prepared an entire topic with the objective of explaining some of our guidelines.

    ➡️ We have an extensive variety of rules that will be constantly changing due to the frequent evolution of our community. For that reason, your punishment could vary depending on the infraction committed. In case you need more information about your ban/mute, you might want to read the text below.

    📜 Cases in which your actions could result in a permanent or temporary ban from our server:

    The use of external or illegal programs aiming for an unfair advantage against other players (for example: macros, apps and external clients)

    Only use Minecraft: Java Edition to join the server, using any other edition of the game (Bedrock/Pocket Edition) could result in an automatic ban from our anticheat;

    Abusing bugs or unintended features of the server aiming for your own advantage while being aware of your actions;

    Free-Kill: This term essentially means the use of other player's aid to improve your statistics in a fast way by disconnecting in the middle of a match or by challenging the same player repeatedly in order to benefit your partner;

    To be aided by players that are using illegal modifications for your own benefit;

    Using inappropriate or offensive nicknames;

    Harming the reputation of a staff member in an offensive or violent manner;

    Promoting toxic or offensive attitude in any forum post;

    We do not recommend the use of any absurdly fast clicking methods such as DragClick, ButterflyClicking and many others because it could be misinterpreted as a blacklisted modification and might result in a punishment;

    Promoting or reproducing symbols that represent hatred towards any groups. It is worth mentioning that we take nazi promoting acts very seriously and it is extremely likely that you will get banned for promoting actions of this kind of groups;

    Inappropriate skins or capes;

    Encouraging players to use any kind of inappropriate skins or capes.

    Purposefully freezing your game in order to prevent eliminations by the void;

    Falsify, manipulate or create fake evidences about another player;

    Using macros, modifications or bots to farm online time.

    📜 Cases in which your actions could result in a permanent or temporary mute from our server:

    Hate motivated speech, racism or any other kind of discrimination, threats or offensive messages against other players;

    Using offensive terms related to health conditions such as physical or mental disabilities against another player;

    Encouraging other players to commit suicide or any other self-destructive actions;

    Bypassing the chat censorship;

    Flooding or Spamming the chat;

    Advertising another server;

    Advertising videos, websites or pictures except videos posted on YouTube that were recorded in our server;

    Selling or negotiating any product in chat;

    Asking for a screenshare from another player;

    Harassment or any kind of jokes that are primarily used to intimidate, abuse or bully another player;

    Fights or any aggressive discussion in chat independent of motivation;

    Offending or harming the reputation of any content creator and their respective projects (channels, videos or livestreams);

    Offensive guild/clan names;

    Offending or harming the image of a staff team member or the server itself;


    📝 On our event servers we also have some rules that must be strictly followed. If any of these rules are violated it will result in a temporary punishment. Check below for a complete list of forbidden actions in events:

    The practice of a "panela" (cross-teaming), that is, to team up with a larger number of players allowed in the events is forbidden unless specified otherwise in the pre-game;

    It is not allowed to "force kick", that is, to interfere in the fight of one or more players who are not part a of your team;

    It is no longer allowed to create a "spawn trap", players who are abusing this tactic will be removed from the event without further notice. If this ever happens to you, use /report to notify the staff of the situation;
    Note: This rule also applies to events;

    It is not allowed to clean other players, the term "cleaning" or localized to portuguese, "cleanar", refers to people who stand around a PvP interaction waiting for it to end only to target the remaining players of that combat. Players who do this will be removed from the event without further notice for "Force Kicking". In some cases the staff team might warn the cleaner in chat to stay away. In case this ever happens to your, just report to notify the staff of the situation;
    Note: This rule also applies to events;

    In events that require mining you are not allowed to prevent players from collecting their items, that action is the popularly known brazilian term "brzar", also meaning "trolling". Players who are doing this will be told to walk away, if they continue to troll, just use /report to notify staff of the situation;
    Note: This rule also applies to events;

    Using the Gladiator kit on your teammate in order to avoid combat will result in an Event-Blacklist, meaning you will be unable to participate in our events;

    Dying purposefully and respawning in order to farm items is forbidden. Letting a player kill you intentionally or faking a PvP interaction to benefit a player or a group with xp/items is also prohibited.

    Switching teammates midgame: In case your teammate dies during the game you will be allowed to choose another one only at the final arena. Your new partner must also be solo before teaming up with you. In case your new teammate dies again, you must continue playing the rest of the event all by yourself.
    Note: This rule only applies to MiniMush.


    📝 You can see the punishment time for each rank below:

    5 days:
    ➡ Ultra and Master;

    7 days:
    ➡ VIP, MVP, PRO and Blade;

    10 days:
    ➡ Members.

    ➡️ We would also like to reinforce that you are completely responsible for your account security and credentials, that is, if any friends or invaders gain access to your account you will be fully responsible for it. It is also worth mentioning that regardless of another player's actions, your attitudes only represent yourself and because of that you must be mature and face the consequences of your own actions. You always have the option to ignore a player and report them for inappropriate behavior to our team. Independent of the situation, always avoid answering toxic players that are only trying to tease you.

    If you find any player breaking the rules mentioned above, you should report them immediately to our team.

    If you find any glitches on the server, please report it to our forum at the "bug report" category.

  • Acompanhe o desempenho da equipe de Moderação do servidor!

    29 Tópicos
    29 Posts

    🍄 Olá jogador!

    Esta categoria foi criada com o intuito de compartilhar um pouco o trabalho feito por nossa equipe para vocês! Nas postagens iremos mostrar as quantidades de punições e denúncias analisadas pela equipe.


    1- Punições

    🚓 Banimentos

    Aplicados pela equipe: 14,571 Aplicados pelo AntiCheat: 17,055

    👨‍🏫 Banimentos (específicos)

    Jogadores com VIP banidos: 1,578 Jogadores originais banidos: 4,107 Jogadores piratas banidos: 27,557

    📣 Silenciamentos

    Aplicados pela equipe: 4,312

    🎲 Outros

    Jogadores expulsos pela promotoria de eventos: 231 2- Atividade fora do jogo

    🧐 Fórum

    Denúncias gerais respondidas através do fórum: 3,333 Denúncias de hack respondidas através do fórum: 623 Denúncias totais do fórum: 3,956
  • Área destinada para revisões de punições. Caso tenha sido punido injustamente, verifique esta área!

    60k Tópicos
    118k Posts

    Seu nick no Minecraft:
    R: udrak

    ID da punição (apenas para banimentos):

    Descreva com mais detalhes o que aconteceu:
    R: eu chamei um cara de ruim do krl e fui mutado por 2 dias

    tenho provas

  • Área disponível para entrar em contato com nossa equipe sobre qualquer dúvida ou problema!

    23k Tópicos
    53k Posts

    Bom dia @guiiilhermix!

    Não é possível transferir produtos de uma conta banida, adquira unban e solicite a transferência.

    Atenciosamente, Chico!

  • 119k Tópicos
    237k Posts

    Usuário(s) do(s) trapaceiro(s):

    Trapaça(s) utilizada(s):
    R: khozing

    Data do ocorrido:

    Momentos da prova em que a infração ocorre:

    Link do vídeo (hospedado no YouTube, Twitch, Lightshot ou Imgur):

  • Área destinada para reportar problemas do servidor!

    1k Tópicos
    3k Posts

    Seu nick:
    R: xNEYZ2

    Data e hora do ocorrido:
    R: 8 16 2025 02 04

    Sala que ocorreu o bug (opcional):
    R: Fala que meu pais esta bloqueado de cria conta

    Provas do ocorrido (caso possua):
    R: Screenshot 2025-02-05 185241.png

    Explique resumidamente a situação:
    R: Fala que estou bloqueado de criar conta

  • Área disponível para fazer sua aplicação de Youtuber, TikToker e Streamer!

    6k Tópicos
    11k Posts

    Seu nickname:
    R: SrPorquinhoYT

    Link do seu canal:

    Seu discord:
    R: srporquin

    Onde é seu conteúdo (YT, SHORTS, LIVE, TIKTOK):
    R: YT,shorts

    Você já foi punido dentro do servidor?
    R: nao

    Você vinculou seu canal à sua conta do Discord?
    R: ss

    Você tem certeza que tem todos os requisitos?
    R: sim

  • Participe de nossa comunidade no Discord!

  • Discussões sem foco no servidor, fale sobre qualquer assunto!

    4k Tópicos
    18k Posts








