Who the fuck i get muted for racism when all server is racist against me
• Seu nick no Minecraft:
R: MicheleMolteni• ID da punição (apenas para banimentos):
R: what id?• Descreva com mais detalhes o que aconteceu:
R: Bro literally I was playing on the server, I'm Italian and I play 220ms so people usually get angry at me, telling me that I cheat, saying that I use fake lag or whatever, at a certain point while playing SOPA a person verbally attacks me by saying things to me like "go back to your continent" "get away from here foreigner", therefore blatantly racist towards me, because what did I do to deserve those words? Nothing. Simply after these words, I, a person who, after all those acts of racism towards me, at that point decide to get angry too and simply start insulting him, as he did with me, which is normal, however now I go in and find myself muted because of the same player who plays the "uwu egirl victim" because he wanted me to leave the server at all costs, fucking racist, and then I get muted for racism? but go to hell, I ddidn't do anything today or ever, I only respond to others, I never attack anyone just because they are Brazilian, like they do towards me. with this I conclude by saying that if I were to report any act of racism towards this point the entire server would be muted.Greetings.
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